Newman Estrada's Blog

Balancing personal branding and copywriting business

2023/05/15. Monday, 12:05hrs

I want to document my life, but focusing on building a personal brand is distracting me from my work habits.

I need to say no to more things, and there's a lot of distractions in my grandmas house, because the room I use to work is the same that my cousing victor uses (he listens to music, and do lots of things.)

Nobody here has work habits, and they interrupt me, or want to talk to me. So... I think I should always leave my laptop on the last room of my grandma's house.

Like, right now. And get a chair, and a plastic table...

Also I need to say NO, and keep the main thing the main thing.

What's the main thing? I've drifted from the main thing. Which is copy, and clients.

I can document, but I'm not an influencer. I'm not getting clients through social media, but Upwork.

My biggest thing that sucks my time is... not having anything else planned to do other than distract myself. Either with people, or internet.

I wish I could have some alone place to do my shit. Maybe I... fuck.

Today I should sacrifice something. What would that be?