Newman Estrada's Blog

I have to focus

It's obvious. I have too many things on my mental bandwith.

But the only important thing is to become a hyper-efficient copywriter.

I do that, and I won't have to worry about conversations with my dad, and I'll be in a better position to have better relationships with people...

Fuck! Incredible how much sidetracked I get.

I need to become obssessed with copy.

Read and write copy every day, multiple times a day, as much as I can.

You don't need a perfect plan, just plain action.

Stop optimizing and trying to find your next shiny object. Just write the shit.

How can I apply this?

Eliminate the crap (youtube, telegram) But don't focus on stopping doing those habits, Focus on creating a replacement habit.

Instead watching youtube, read books. Instead of chatting, do phonecalls.

To do:

Focus on replacing youtube with reading books ;)

Why? Youtube is incredible. But to saturate yourself with even the most revolutionary ideas is worthless.

The potential benefits of youtube diminish thanks to the information overwhelm. You can't put in practice what you learn in such a little time frame.

"We only know what we make"

On the other hand, reading books allows you to take time to make use of the info you learn, into creating and sharing something useful , applying the concepts you learn, create new habits based on your learnings, etc.

Fucking read books.

  1. read and write copy whenever you can

You'll thank me later. As you have a simpler life and will get more done.