Newman Estrada's Blog

Really insecure about my next project.

From the desk of Newman. September 20, 2022. 6:49 p.m.

Man, I'm having insecure feelings.

I'm going to write a sales letter for a fitness youtuber's training program.

Starting next month.

He has 642K subs. And I love his content.

The thing is, I haven't written a sales letter ever.

And he has never heard of me.

(Yeap, I'm writing for him for free without his permission).

But well, if I have learned something from reading "Do the work" by Steven Pressfield, is this:

Start before you're ready.

"Good things happen when we start before we're ready. For one thing, we show huevos. Our blood heats up. Courage begets more courage. The gods, witnessing our boldness, look in approval." - Steven Pressfield

And then there's Sam Harris. He said, and it resonated with me, that courage is a feeling you can't fake.

If you fake bravery when you're terrified, that's bravery.

In short:

We shouldn't let perfectionism paralyze us.

Courage begets more courage.

Thank you for your attention,


P.S.: Next step is to prepare for next month. And not quit like a pussy boy.