Newman Estrada's Blog

Self awareness is a must for success

Dear reader,

Why is it that you've spent thousands of hours on videos...

Learning about business, and "breakthrough" productivity ideas..

Or trying to learn a new skill to skyrocket your career..

And still live in your parents garage watching TikTok videos?

I mean, after all these years you should at least have achieved more than what you have now (and I'm speaking for myself especially).


Why is it that when 2 similar people are shown the same information, one effortlessly becomes a millionaire and the other is a complete failure?

Well, today I'm going to show you something you might never have considered before.

I almost discovered this by accident...

So the chances that you heard about this perspective is pretty slim.

And no, this isn't some "Breakthrough Productivity System"

This is not about a special way to set up your calendar

And this is not about optimizing whatever process it can come to your mind.

But what I'm going to show you today, if applied correctly, can consistently accelerate the rate at which you advance in your goals... and the quality and quantity of your output to achieve those goals.

I'm not going to promise that when you finish reading this blog you're going to have all your life resolved.

But this is the basis of everything you need to become successful at anything you happen to chose.

It all came down to me when I discovered this I'm going to show you next:

Sam Ovens

There are various things to consider, but what I think is the first step for a solid beginner's foundation was presented to me in what I'm about to share on your screen right now.

I consider now, (thanks to this Sam Ovens' video), that self-awareness is a must for everything.

It's more than just knowing you're seeing or thinking.

It's about the patterns of your thoughts, habits, inclinations, beliefs systems, identity, etc.

How do you think you're going to achieve a goal if you don't even know where your time goes?

Or what your habits are? Or what are your inclinations? Or strengths and weaknesses, or the obstacles you have to overcome in order to achieve those goals?

Assuming you have any long-term goal to fulfill, you have to become aware of yourself.

Look, your brain is good for making new ideas, but it's really bad at remembering things.

A new concept I discovered 3 days ago was "creating a second brain."

I'd highly recommend to "make a second brain" to anyone trying to make a change in their habits, or life, or business.

But for those who just beginning, and don't have a routine at all, (like me a year ago) I'd recommend to start with setting a waking and sleeping time, and journal every day before dinner.

An exercise to review your day is as easy as getting a physical notebook and a pencil.

You can write 2 sections for your daily review

  1. Things I did today (words written, emails sent, procrastination for 5h, etc.
  2. Things to do tomorrow (Do {XYZ} at {time}, turn off internet from 6 to 10 am, etc.

You need a basic schedule. And make it easy enough to follow consistently.

But I think self-awareness isn't negotiable when it comes to managing your life.

If you'd like to know how to easily journal every day in just 5 minutes, to improve your quality of life and productivity, you can watch this game changing video on how to plan tomorrow today.

But don't think too much about it, just journal today, then tomorrow, then the day after that...
